This site is super-new. I'm still building it and setting it up.
Click here to read URB's first post, which really doesn't tell you too much about me.
But, worry not, all will be revealed in time. And I do mean all. (OK, not really.)

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Adding a new feature

As I've mentioned, I'm definitely lacking in motivation to post since I can't really run. So I've decided to add to URB in a tangential, albeit previously planned way: links to other non-running blogs. Take a look off to the right side of the page, and check out the "Titled Non-Running Blogs of Interest."

As the name clearly states, these are blogs about topics other than running that I find interesting for one reason or another, and it's possible you may as well. I originally conceived this as a "Random Blog of the Day" feature, which I may eventually adopt or incorporate here. But let's not get ahead of ourselves.

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